LaserSport, Laser Clay Shooting systems, are purchased by hotels, camp sites, corporate event companies and various other leisure businesses. In addition around half of the systems sold are purchased by individuals who want to have an enjoyable lifestyle business which is not the usual 9 to 5 weekday toil. A large number of our operators are retired or have taken early retirement and want a fun business that will keep them active.
Operating a Laser Clay Shooting system is the ideal lifestyle business opportunity for someone who likes meeting people, enjoys being outdoors and travelling to different and interesting places. When you operate a LaserSport system you will spend your working time at such locations as hotels, camp sites and showgrounds.
We have produced an information pack called ‘Make A Healthier Living’ which describes the LaserSport business opportunity in detail. Please email us with your name, address and telephone number and we will send you a copy.
A lifestyle business is simply a business which comes with a lifestyle that the owner desires to have. This is quite a subjective thing, because for some people running a bar might qualify while for others that might be their idea of hell.
In many cases a lifestyle business will provide a level of income that supports the lifestyle in question and not much more, because the primary aim is lifestyle and not income.
As well as the positive side of running a lifestyle business, which is that it should be enjoyable and suited to the owner, this type of business will sometimes blur the line between work and home. For example, a small hotel might be described as a lifestyle business. Owners may find that they work long hours or work during times that other people are at rest of play.
There are other types of lifestyle business which reflect the owner’s hobby. Examples include running a fishing lake or teaching tennis. Some would argue that teaching tennis and other forms of coaching, for example fitness training, are not actually businesses but more of a livelihood. Whether or not that is true there is definitely an element of lifestyle attached.
Lifestyle businesses do not have to be full time, and this is where the description really starts to make sense. A business which is enjoyable and frees up time by supporting the owner on fewer than five days a week certainly fits the description.
Another feature of lifestyle businesses can be that they are outdoors, or allow owners to visit nice locations. Most businesses situated on beaches would therefore qualify.
Running a Laser Clay Shooting system is definitely a lifestyle business. This is an electronic shooting system which uses beams of light instead of shot to give users the experience of clay pigeon shooting. System operators hire out to corporate groups where they usually take the system to a country house hotel or similar venue.
The system can also be taken to shows and fairs, for example county shows and car racing festivals. This means that the business owner is often at exciting outdoor events which are fun and interesting.
There is no official definition of a lifestyle business, because the nature of it will depend on the individual objectives of the owner. Essentially it is about qualities of living rather than income.
For some that might simply be anything that is not a 9 to 5 office job.